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Men at a Powersports motorcycle dealership shopping and looking at different bikes

If I Were a Powersports GM I Would Ask Myself 8 Questions

July 04, 20233 min read

1. Do I encourage my team to overwhelm me with new ideas?

Growth doesn’t happen in numbers, but in insight and lives you can impact, no matter what business you’re in.

The best way for industry leaders to stay relevant is to always keep their doors open for new ideas, no matter how crazy and risky they may seem.

2.  Are we operating as a band of brothers and sisters, and not internal competitors to see who gets the biggest sales or performance bonus?

Spartans were considered the most formidable fighting army in Ancient Greece. Their uniqueness wasn’t in how strong they were, or smart, or the technology of their weaponry (bronze shields and iron/steel spears, a novelty at the time!), but the fact that they fought and strategized as a single unit.

They wouldn’t tolerate weak links. Every soldier was a world-class fighter. Whether they won or lost, they did it together, as a unit.

3. Are we too frightened to make mistakes, or are we taking chances in being truly different from our competitors?

There’s comfort in what we know works. The danger is complacency. Remember AOL and Blockbuster… Who?

4. Are we leaders or followers? Are we copying our competitors or are they copying us?

There’s nothing wrong with one or the other, as long as you know who you want to be and not be surprised by the outcome. I prefer to blaze a trail while learning from my mistakes and others.

5. Are we leveraging well-established technologies that suit us best, instead of what’s popular and bright and shiny?

Email continues to be the number #1 tool making billions for online marketplaces. The thing is, it’s boring, and it hasn’t changed in 25 years. So people ignore its true potential, and gravitate toward new and shiny, hoping they get a spike in endorphins and get excited about something new and unproven.

This is a big mistake. Find the tech that suits you best, but stick with what continues to move the needle for your dealership. Email and SMS work best for dealers right now. The question is: Are you using them the right way?

6. Are we playing the short-term or long-term game in our industry?

Short game: Focusing on Buy-Now prospects only. The long game: Create a process to stay close to Buy-Later prospects. Branding and real growth come from the latter.

7. Are we investing enough in acquiring data to understand our customers better?

Insight into customer behavior comes from data, data comes from advertising, creating good ads is a team effort. We can show you how to do it, or we can do it for you, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you do it!

8. Are we seeking marketing and advertising advice outside of our own expertise?

Even if what you’re doing is working, a fresh set of eyes can make the difference between just a happy client, and a delighted client that keeps buying from you and sending you referrals without you even asking!

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Joe Iribarren

Poppa Joe – #𝚆𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚋𝚘𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐, #𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚕, #𝙵𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚊𝚗𝚍 #𝙱𝚘𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚏𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚌. 𝙳𝚊𝚍𝚍𝚢 𝚝𝚘 𝟺, #𝚋𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 #𝙳𝙹. @𝚐𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚢𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎

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Here's How Beyond Creative

Can get your phones ringing off the hook with calls from people searching online for the vehicles on your lot...

Now you can when you take advantage of our

Lead Flow Acceleration Session!

This is a custom-tailored plan so you can generate more leads, sales and profits. Our team of trained online marketing experts will do the following for you:

Build a Customized Keyword List

The list is based your brands, service area and search trends. We’ll use our state-of-the-art tools to find the most searched-for keywords for dealerships in your area. And we’ll show you which keywords will drive the most traffic to your website. (Valued at $197)

Run a Ranking Report

You’ll see exactly where your company currently ranks online for those “money” keywords that will bring in hot prospects. (Valued at $97)

Review Your Website Optimization

You get a complete analysis and explanation of why your website is not ranking at the top of the search engines. More importantly, we’ll show you how to launch it to the top so your best prospects see it. (Valued at $97)

Review Your Website Conversion

You’ll discover what might be turning website visitors off… and… how to turn them into incoming service calls. (Valued at $97)

Your Local Internet Marketing Domination Plan

We will outline step-by-step how you can leverage the internet for more calls, leads and profits. This is not a “cookie-cutter” plan… but rather…

Request a Lead Flow Acceleration Session Now

This is a custom-tailored plan so you can generate more leads, sales and profits. My team of trained online marketing experts and I will do the following for you:

Take advantage of our

Lead Flow Acceleration Session!

This is a custom-tailored plan so you can generate more leads, sales and profits. Our team of trained online marketing experts will do the following for you:

Build a Customized Keyword List

The list is based your brands, service area and search trends. We’ll use our state-of-the-art tools to find the most searched-for keywords for dealerships in your area. And we’ll show you which keywords will drive the most traffic to your website. (Valued at $197)

Run a Ranking Report

You’ll see exactly where your company currently ranks online for those “money” keywords that will bring in hot prospects. (Valued at $97)

Review Your Website Optimization

You get a complete analysis and explanation of why your website is not ranking at the top of the search engines. More importantly, we’ll show you how to launch it to the top so your best prospects see it. (Valued at $97)

Review Your Website Conversion

You’ll discover what might be turning website visitors off… and… how to turn them into incoming service calls. (Valued at $97)

Your Local Internet Marketing Domination Plan

We will outline step-by-step how you can leverage the internet for more calls, leads and profits. This is not a “cookie-cutter” plan… but rather…

Request a Lead Flow Acceleration Now

This is a custom-tailored plan so you can generate more leads, sales and profits. My team of trained online marketing experts and I will do the following for you:

Customer Testimonials

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Customer Testimonials

Check out what other dealerships have to say about us!

John Canales – General Manager

Caliente Harley-Davidson

James Myers – Owner/Operator

Valley Cycle Center

Laura Rondon – Marketing Director

Peterson's Harley-Davidson

John Canales – General Manager

Caliente Harley-Davidson

James Myers – Owner/Operator

Valley Cycle Center

Laura Rondon – Marketing Director

Peterson's Harley-Davidson

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